Thursday, July 15, 2010


So....for the past two weeks...I have been trying to regroup at work. I pay all the bills. That's my can call it accounts payable, or you can call it the bill department or you can call it a fricken living...but that's what I do and I love my job...I really do. Well....after Fools, Inc. was bought out last fall...things have been changing and we just don't buy all the random CRAP we use to...which means my job had been a lot less time consuming than it use I filled it with computer games and facebook and what ever I could to keep me from pulling my hair out or biting the bitches I work with....NOT that all the women there are bitches..some are awesome down to earth women I admire and respect and enjoy being with...but some of them....well, let's just say it's best if they aren't walking down a dark alley when I'm behind the wheel...okay...nuff said.
SO of these women...who needs to make sure I'm not driving down that dark alley is so ADHD that she is no earthly good to anyone was in charge of fuel tracking and was never making her deadlines. (This may be the time to state that while I am totally against crack head moms taking their kids meds for a high...THIS would be the woman I would be in favor of doing just that...seems her kids are ADHD as well and on patches or meds or whatever and SHE should be jumping in on some of that along with all the other meds she takes that make it an impossible dream for her to sit at her desk and do 8 hours worth of work). Now I did mention that this company was FAMILY owned right? So if you are friends with the can get a paycheck there for NOT doing much of anything. That's how that works...or at least it does for the time being...we'll see how well that shit flys when the new owners take a good long look at what is going on it the office......So anyways...they see how I always meet MY deadlines and I am a dedicated worker...and they decide I...ME...MYSELF..should do the fuel I am SUPPOSE to train for it...beginning the LAST FUCKING WEEK OF JUNE...but actually what MS ADHD dumps pretty much the ENTIRE MONTH OF JUNE on me and I am left keying in fuel purchases for every fricken piece of equipment this company has...which is a LOT and trying to close out June in my job as well. Oh it was a joy ride to say the least. I had to set anything that could wait aside in A/Ps and work on fuel......
But today...I caught up COMPLETELY!!!! I have all the fuel caught up from July and all the A/P's done!! I have new fuel files made and I am on TOP OF IT!!!! I am really proud of myself. I am still trying to figure out all this crap...because I didn't get much training....I don't think this woman is capable of it....and having figure out as much of it as I have...I am redoing most of it, just so it makes sense and I can keep track of what the hell is going on.... It's been a joy ride to say the least...but I have conquered it!! Cause that's who I am!!!

And last night was just an amazing time with my buddy HAPPY...who came over with her totally awesome 3rd son and made the evening a special event!!! And tomorrow I get to take off early and spend some quality time with my Gypsy girl...which is long overdue. Oh look!!! Life actually works out sometimes!!! How cool is that??!!!!
So...that's the dill pickle bout that in my world!!!

Now if I could just get a fricken comment or would be complete!!! :)

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