Sunday, July 4, 2010

Here I am!!

Welcome to my first attempt at blogging. Why you ask? Why not!!
For several reasons actually. It's Sunday and I am stuck inside due to the rain. Because the facebook status line only allows you so many words before it shuts you down and I HATE that!!It was suggested to me by a friend who is also a blogger and hey, when a friend suggests you try something you really ought to. If they are a friend, they have your best interest at heart...or they want to get a good laugh at your expense....either way, it should be fun. And finally the biggest reason....I am inspired...yes..can you believe it?!! this day and age...I have found inspiration on the internet by my two favorite bloggers. they are the only two I follow, but I know there are others I will get to when I get more time....OH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Okay, so the very first one is a woman I've known for years and years and always enjoyed laughing with. She is too damn happy...and thus I will refer to her henceforth (pretty cool how I used a big literary word like that huh?!!) henceforth as Happy. Yes, she is a direct decendant of one of the seven dwarfs. I'm not sure how that happened, but ya know Snow White did live with all those guys for a while and hey...shit happens. She is the type that sees rainbows in rainstorms and smiles at the world to the point you'd like to slap her except that she makes you feel good with all her overflowing optimism and joy. I'm sure she has little animated birds alight on her finger as she sings in her kitchen each's a Disney thing...I can't explain it here on the net. The second of my two favorite bloggers is a woman of my own sarcastic heart. I'm sure she would find, if she searched it out, that she and Paul Lynn are third cousins, twice removed.(What ever the hell that's sopose to mean) If you look up 'sassy' in the's a picture of her...and there fore I shall continue to refer to her as Sassy...cause she takes it to a new level and keeps me LOLing...I mean really, not just keying in L-O-L, but laughing to the point of tears here in my home office at all her thoughts on life. We tend to wear the same dandylion colored glasses and our worlds tend to look the same to us!!

Okay, so I have to give credit where it's due...I'm all about blowing your horn if you deserve it. So about my title. I stold it from my eldest child. She has always been the story teller in the came in handy when she got caught...and she will to this day...launch into an elaborate detailed account of how it came that she was late to work/out of money in the middle of the month/sitting in a car that won't start/bailing a friend out of jail. And when she's done and has made her case to the point you can't remember what the hell you were talking about in the first place, she will say "So, that's the dill pickle about that mom." It's rather catchy. She has me asking right what's the dill pickle on this deal? It's her coined phrase and I'm taking it as I have rights to all she has, or will ever have, since I gave her life. That's one of the perks of motherhood. Besides I TOLD her I was gonna use it and she said that was cool. Well yeah, it's all cool with mom!!! LMAO

So yes, I'm a mom of three adult children now. Let me give you the run down. The eldest is 22 and has been bouncing on her butt, out on her own since the ripe old age of 18 when she flew out of here like her ass was on fire. In her defense, I was overly protective and trying to be the perfect mom. She has since broke me of that and now I settle for being informed prior to the newest crisis about to happen. She lives her life by the seat of her pants and hasn't the slightest fear about jumping into things without a second thought. Carefree and happy and living a life I was never brave enough to try. She is my little gypsy...and so I'll call her that...The Gypsy of my brood. College was a big letdown for her and she left it after her first year. She charms business folk out of big tips at a high end resturant in the college town she lives in and paints these pictures that amaze me still...and I've been watching her for years!! She sells art work and does murals and lives her life covered in paint or a server apron and is always to upbeat and happy. Yeah, she's my little gypsy....she scares the crap out of me with her life style and lack of planning, but she does check in now and again and still has me laughing with her. She taught me a lot about being a mom. Poor kid had to take all the heat and pave the way for the other two coming up behind her...they should pay her royalties for making things much easier on them by way of wearing me out!! Bless her little gypsy heart

So then there is my second born. A beautiful blue eyed little girl who took her first breath as a perfectionalist. Always trying to be as good as the sister two years older than her. She has a much more cautious nature that I can relate to better. Let's just say she doesn't scare much, with her life choices. Since the early high school years her catch phrase has been "What's the point?!!!" Usually said in a pissed off tone over something expected of her for school or work or just anything that took up her time. What's the point of learning this subject in has no meaning in life...what's the point of wearing these stupid uniforms, nobody cares what you look like they just want the food they ordered. What's the point in shaving your legs and armpits, it's not even healthy for you. What's the fucking point????!!!!! Most of the time I don't have an answer for her. There is no point just get it down. Her life goal for a time was to live in a flowerpainted bus and sell hemp jewelry out of the back of it at summer concerts. I have to admit it sounds tempting. She's in college on her own dime to become an enviromental biologist....probably so she can grow her own herb and play with bugs...she enjoys that kind of thing. She is quite the little hippy, I often refer to her as my little I will call her that on my little bohemian...bless her heart!!

My third and finally child is a son. I call him my Water Boy. He takes the path of least resistance everytime. Life is a big joy ride for him...he can laugh at anything..even me chewing him out for not putting the milk away or leaving his dishes in the livingroom/bedroom/bathroom...everywhere but the kitchen sink.. We laugh together more often than not. After the girls and those hormonal swings this house could feel like a war zone, so my little waterboy was a fresh breeze with his laughter and our shared ability to repeat lines from comedies we watched a dozen...hundred times or so. The girls got to the point they'd hide the movie he was stuck on just to get him off of it. What can I's a gift we share. He is very laid back and laughs at me for foaming at the mouth...usually over something he has done. But he has a good heart, if not the best attitude over the structures of life...he gearing up to join the Air Force this summer so he can learn to be a pilot, or at least go to college in four years on their dime. Good plans...he'll probably due just fine. I just hope he doesn't start laughing at the sargent who is chewing his ass about whatever!!

SO now you've met the kids. I guess I should let you in on the ole man. He's a hoot. We both struggled for years as single parents...I just kept going deeper into debt, he learned how to make meth and lived a good life til it went to shit and he ended up in prison. A place he didn't perticularly care he was quite a humbled person upon getting out. Which is when we met. I remember the day I feel for him. Because I was most certainly NOT going to get invovled with a convicted felon..good Lord, I had standands to uphold and children to set an example for!! He was standing in the framework of a second bathroom he was putting my old farmhouse that I'd scraped together to buy for me and my kids and he had a carpenter belt strapped on and was holding this shower door I had fallen in love with and got for a killer deal and was explaining it wasn't sopose to go in like I wanted it to. And I got sad about that because I didn't want to take it back...I wanted THAT door damnit!!! And he scratched his chin and said "Well, if that's how you want it, then I will just figure out a way to make it work for you." And I heard heart strings shit!! I really own!! Oh Hell No!!! I can't do this!!! This guy is an ex con for crying out loud!!! But I did, and the shower door still works great seven years later and here we are. If it's broke, he fixes it...which has come in handy with three kids in cars and an old farm house!!! He fell for me, my brats, my pets, my old run down farm house, my family, my world. That pretty much makes him a saint!! Every woman should have a Mr Fixit...but find your own...this one is mine!! Not to mention he has the most comical sense of humor and we spend a LOT of time together laughing. There is no one else I'd rather spend time with, and no other place I'd rather be but out the back door on the patio, looking at the flowerbeds and watching the birds and dogs and cats and sipping a beer with Mr Fixit.'s not perfect...but it works for me!!!

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