Saturday, January 15, 2011

Not so bad after all

I am actually delighted with the new accounting computer system at work. It seemed pretty exclusive and entry difficult at first...and training on it has been a joke. But after a week of working on it, I'm very impressed with all the things it can do!!! It actually is much easier to manipulate than our old system. I am impressed!!! I can't even begin to express the relief that's flooding my this morning...knowing I made it thru the whole week and ran some checks and made it all happen. Now if everyone else would just get the lead out and do their jobs...this thing could work!!! The only problem that I see, is the person that was in the office that is too ADHD to be any earthly good to anyone has been relocated to the shop location (YEA!!!!!!!) and is now responsible for getting all the equipment invoices coded and to me (OH SHIT!!!!) Yeah, this isn't going to be pretty. Two weeks into the new year and I have a stack of invoices four inches high that I am waiting on her for packing slips and approval. So I showed all these to a few of the administrators in the office, just so they'd know what was up, and I've been told not to worry about's a new system and it's going to take a while for everyone to get adjusted and blah blah blah....OKAY!!! So I'm not going to worry, and I'm not going to bust hump when the end of the month rolls around and they want all of January in the system either....I'm gonna smile and say, "Hey...I was told not to ya know what??!!!! I'm NOT WORRYING ABOUT HER INABILITY TO DO THE JOB YOU PUT HER IN!!!!!" But enough about work, it's Saturday morning and I am free.....and very proud of my first big week on the new system!!!!

Okay, so I had a super cool epiphany this week. I just love it when those things fall into my head. And it goes something like this....The things in this life that you invest your whole heart in, are the things that you end up not regretting...even if they didn't turn out well, even if there were lots of bumps in the middle...even if it ripped your heart on occasion....when you look back you find that you didn't regret taking that path....cause you put your whole heart into it. As I looked back over my life, I found that the things I put everything into with my heart, are the things I do not regret...not even a little. And some don't even have good endings to them. BUT, in hindsight...I don't regret them. Pretty weird huh?!!! Yeah, that's the part I like!!!!

So I have the whole day to play....well, there's laundry and house cleaning and such, but nothing calling my name with urgency and I have all day to get things knocked out and make some kind of cool simmer all day in a pot kind of supper. I LOVE these lazy days and I have earned this one!! Did good at work and kept a positive attitude on the new system....Did not go off on a couple people that I wanted to kill!!!! Got all the bills paid and even mailed the checks!!!! The first load of laundry is spining out in the washer.....yeah, this old gal has earned a down day....and she is going to relish it to the fullest!!!!
And that's the dill pickle bout what's up in my world on this fine amazing wonderful Saturday!!!

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