Sunday, January 23, 2011

Shut the hell up!!

Today, I will practice my "Your kids, your call" motto and I will shut the hell up. This will not be easy!! And although on the outside I will act like all is right with the world, on the inside, it will not be pretty!! But I will follow thru, because I think it's very important to keep the goals you set for yourself. My wonderful husband will decide how he wants to handle the most current situations with his kids, and I will stay out of it and shut the hell up!!!! (Okay, actually I'm gonna whine a little here on my blog, but SHHHhhhhhhhhhhh!! Don't tell anybody, okay?!!)

The last time I conversed with Mr Fixit's youngest daughter she told me to Fuck Off. Okay, I can do that. I had attempted to help her out of a situation, which in turn pissed her mother off to no end, and she in turn threw a lot of her Drama Queen drama into my home and I drew the line. Which in turn pissed off her three kids with Mr Fixit, and suddenly I seemed to have grown horns, a pointy tail and started carrying around a pitch fork, according to them. And they were so convenienced that this was true of me that they, will the help of their awesome mom, decided their dad had to choose between them or me. Needless to say, they were not pleased with the outcome of that ultimatum. But their mom did get what she wanted, which was to kick their dad and me out of their lives for a time, so I'm sure she was happy. I don't think any of her kids figured out that was the goal all along, mainly cause they have their heads so far up her ass they can't think for themselves. Generating thoughts takes more oxygen than what they can get up her ass apparently, but oh well.

So now, the youngest is pregnant, and she has been calling her dad none stop asking him for things he is unwilling to give, and when he quit answering his phone, she started calling mine. Constantly!! Uhmmmmmm, sorry, I can't pick up your calls AND keep to what you told me to do the last time we conversed, so guess I'll just have to let it ring and ring and ring and keep 'Fucking Off'. Kids are just so hard to please, don't you think? We put her in a car, which she decided to sell and blow the money she got for she wants him to buy her another one. SORRY. One is our limit. Then she wanted him to co-sign a loan, but he has hideous years of bad credit, I'm the one with the 800 credit score, and I can't do it, cause I am following thru with "Fuck Off". Then she wanted money so she and her new husband could get their own place and move out of his parents. But she has no job, they can't afford the rent, and SORRY, Mr Fixit said no again. Then he quit picking up her my phone is ringing off the desk.

I'm sure in their little drama upbringing, it was never shown to them that when folks make mistakes they own up to them and apologize, sincerely. You learn that my example, which is why I ate so much crow when my kids were teenagers and I'd blow up at them, and then cool down and re-think my actions. I did a LOT of apologizing....still do in some cases to this day. Which is a good thing, I just hate getting crow feathers stuck between my teeth!!! So, I do feel bad that these three kids did not understand that some folks, namely me, follow thru with what they say, and what they are asked/told/screamed at to do. I feel it's time they learn this lesson, and I am just the woman to teach them. Sorry, I can't garage sale for baby items for you, 1) because I told you if you guys brought your mom's drama bullshit into my happy little world one more time, you would no longer be allowed there, and then you did, and I meant what I said...which may be a wild crazy concept to you, but it's another thing you will need to learn to manage adult hood, and 2) I can't help you out and Fuck Off at the same time. I am a super multi-tasker, but that would be a contradiction I just could not live with!!

So, I will choose to continue to Fuck Off, until such time as anyone of them would like to actually apologize for their behavior and well, basically trying to tear my husband away from me. I won't be getting involved in any way shape or form. I can choose for myself, that's the rules!! But, I will not choose for Mr Fixit. These are his kids and right, wrong, or just plain assholes, he loves them and there for it's His kids and His call and I will sit here blissfully and shut the hell up.

That's the game plan for this cold cloudy lazy Sunday. Dill Pickles all the way around for everyone...cause I'm just generous like that!!! Muwahahahahahahahahaha (my evil laugh!!)

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