Sunday, January 23, 2011

It's let's try this again. God is still on the throne!!

OKay, so I started thinking about the fact that this is Sunday...and that means it's God's day, and we all have extra time to spend thinking about Him a little. So I did. And that reminded me of the church service that Happy and I went to last Sunday. Which was the first time in a long time I'd been to church, I'm sorry to say, and from the reception I got from some of the folks I use to know, it doesn't look like that's going to be a church I'll be attending either...BUT, I was thinking about the service, and the message and a question the pastor put out to us. Now the answers that popped into my head were very different than the ones he ended up usual...I'm always a little weird in my thought process, but it's all good. And that made me wonder how I was honoring God today...which lead me to make a second entry on my blog.

Mr Fixit and I got quite the scare on Christmas Eve. We came home late to a full mailbox, and in it was a letter from the life insurance company saying they were not going to insure him, cause his physical came back saying he had a disease. WHAT?? WHAT THE HELL???? Needless to say, it scared us pretty bad. But after going to bed, and not being able to sleep, and waiting til Mr Fixit was snoring and creeping back out to look it up on the internet and getting even MORE freaked out, I decided to shelve it. I wasn't going to let it ruin our Christmas because, God is still on the throne. Regardless of what kind of shit life throws at us, it doesn't unseat Him. So I preached to myself a LOT and as much to Mr Fixit as I thought he could stand without getting sick of me preaching at him. God is still on the throne. I even reminded BOTH of us that when we were headed to the Dr.'s apt last Friday. Regardless of what our doctor has to say, God is still on the throne, right Baby?!!! He's still in control, and we can get thru anything as long as we don't forget that!!! Well, according to our Doctor, who looked over the test results that came back with the letter, Mr Fixit was in very good shape, and it appeared he had been exposed to this disease, but by the look of all his organs, his system had fought it off and all he had was the anti-bodies left in his blood stream. COME AGAIN?? What did you just say??? You mean God knew way back when ever the hell it was that Mr Fixit got exposed that he would end up with a woman that pretty much wants him around all the time and He knew back then how it would be now and He made sure Mr Fixit's system could fight this off so no damage was done? Oh yeah, I remember now.......GOD IS STILL ON THE THRONE!!!!!

Well, we still had to go for more blood work, and he will have to see a specialist to confirm this second blood work test, but it's all underway and in the works right now and I am just NOT going to stress or worry over this because God really is still on the throne.

So today I am going to honor God my sitting here and remembering all the wonderful things He has done for me thru the years. Like this house I am sitting in, and the wonderful man I am married to. For not only our health, but the healthy kids we have, even though some of them make my ass twitch, they are all healthy and that's because God is still on the throne. I'm very grateful for my job and our paychecks and the ability to bless people. For my friends and their kitchens and for seeing things thru humorous glasses that allow me to laugh when the dogs come in and find me before they shake off the snow they just rolled in, or bring me a fatally wounded mole or a frozen horse turd while I'm sitting inside. Gotta love that damn doggie door!!! I'm grateful for the internet and spending time laughing with people I love and being able to make them laugh a little at life too. God is very very good. It's good to remember that. And that HE is STILL on the throne!!!

How's that for honoring God in your house, Happy?!! Did I do a good job?!!! I'm sure you did too!! Happy Sunday!!! And THAT is the correct dill pickle to have today!!! ;)

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