That's my new word for this month. Humbleishous. I love humility in myself. It came with a high harsh painful price tag. I earned it the old fashion way. I love the way if feels on me, and I think it makes me look good!!! I don't have to carry the weight of looking down my nose at people and their problems or their hardships or their heartaches...been there...done that...lived thru it. SO NOW I can feel empathy, which is so much lighter than judgemental aloofness. I can smile my sad little smile and feel bad they are hurting, or are embarrassed, or ashamed...and know inside that this is just the thing they needed to knock them off the high horse and make them less judgemental and aloft themselves. It really does end up being a good thing inside when all the dust has settled.
Of course you do have to take on a few new ideas and attitudes. The first one that came is handy is "Fuck what other people think". Yeah, it's a toughie to grasp when you live in a small town and need to be associated in little groups for this or that...mostly involving your kids. But when you break it all down, the 'OTHERS' in your life don't have to live your life, or pay your bills or deal with your why is it their opinions should matter in how you choose to live your life? Seriously?!!!!! Another one is "I don't care who are what is at the top of the gossip chain today". Yeah, it comes easy now...I DON'T CARE!!! I don't care who is cheating on who, or who left the bar with who, or who is having financial troubles. Doesn't affect my life one iota. So I stopped talking to a lot of people. Don't want to hear it!!! My life is much sweeter without trying to keep up on who is jacking over who. Most of the time when I hear something, it's months old...and then I tend to feel bad for the person..even if they were shitty to me at some point in time...and wonder if this experience made them a better person...sometimes I even want to reach out and say Hey, ya know's all good....this will turn into a positive learning experience for everybody...honest!! Get ready for some Humbleishous!!!! But somehow I don't think they would take it well from me...or be as excited as I am about the new humble attitude and how awesome it is.
The finally thing you have to take on is a little phrase....make a mantra of sorts. It goes like this. "There but for the grace of God, go I" Kinda Shakespearean...don't ya think? I haven't actually found it in the Bible, but it is very biblical....It simply means I can't be lofty and full of myself because I am not the drunk in the gutter, or the homeless guy on the corner with the sign, or the woman addicted to drugs stealing from her kids, or whoever. Oh I still get mad at things done to others by these fools. I still get disgusted at the heartache caused to folks because of people. BUT, I try very hard to remind myself that without God's grace in my life, that could very well be me...or it some way it may have been me in younger years. It helps to keep me humble. And that's the ticket for me.....Humbleishous!!! It just tastes good!!!!
And so, on the first week of the new month of the new year...that's the dill pickle bout my thoughts....I'm gonna be humble in the month of January...and if it feels good...I'm gonna take in on into February too!!! What's your new word????
My new word is.....Well, it's a phrase...."Just say no to shots" ugh.