Thursday, September 16, 2010

Some days are like that

Today was a totally great day!! I got everything accomplished at work I wanted much so that I get to take tomorrow off and burn some vacation time!! Yahoo!!! I love three day weekends....and hopefully it won't be piled to high come Monday.....I have one of those jobs where nobody does any of my work when I'm gone...they just stack it up on my desk...they know me...they know I'll be back...they know I'll get it knocked out to meet which ever deadline is hanging over my head this time...they know I prefer to handle it and to keep the hell out of my office....they know they don't have to do it and they DON'T WANT TO!!!! So...talking off is always a touchy thing...gotta plan it out just right. But it will be great to have a little time to play. Yes...the garage sailing queen will be at it again bright an early...I just can't get enough. And there is something about fall closing in that makes me want to go all the time because it a month or less there won't be any out there...sniff sniff. I still have a baby swing and play pen to find for the step daughter....and I am always on the look out for jeans or sweaters or wooden spoons or some simple silly thing like that....500 piece puzzles for my momma....some wild sheet set for the futon in the living room...ohhhhhh the treasures you can find!!!! My eyes are glazing over just thinking about it!!!

So I was driving home from work today and coming down the road, slowing down to see if cars were coming...I live on a hill on a gravel road...and my mail box is on the other side of the I have to slow way down to see if any cars are coming from the other way and then I can pull my van over to the mailbox and get my mail the fat ass lazy way...which I LOVE doing...and there it was....sitting at the edge of my drive brand new shiny pretty trash of those huge beasts with wheels and everything....OH BOY!!!! I was expecting a little bling on it for as much as they want to charge me to pick up trash once a week...but what ever...I am just so excited to have it here!!!! I went running around the house...tripping over the dogs....trying to gather up all the trash from all the cans and empty ashtrays and I even cleaned out the fruit bin in the fridge and YES YES, I got enough to fill up a trash bag and I walked proudly out the back door and tossed that bitch into my new pretty shiny trash bin!!! WHAT a great feeling!!! NO...I did not accidentally take too many doses of a prescription medication!!! I just get excited about new things in my world!! And it beats the hell out of gathering up trash and throwing it in the back of Mr Fixit's work truck....hopping no animals find it during the he can haul it off to the trash bin at work.....his OLD work....HISTORY now!!!! So we got a trash service and I got MYSELF a shiny new trash container....oh life is good!!!

Tonight I can kick back in my trashless house and goof off...I don't have to work tomorrow!! Hahahahaladidah!!! Left overs for supper....laundry is done...too damp still to mow...oh yeah, it's gonna be a wonderful sit on my butt and do nothing kind of evening....and three whole days off IN A ROW!!!! Yeah, somedays in my world are like that!!! And that's the dill pickle bout that!!!

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