You know you are getting older when you don't plan a damn thing for your birthday and it goes along smooth and uneventful and you are quite pleased at how it went by the end of the day. Happy's blog says it's the little things that make life wonderful...I say it's the absence of the big shit!!!
I didn't have to get up and get ready for anything. I LOVED that!! I ate gooseberry pie for breakfast and didn't even care when I got a seed stuck in my old ass teeth! I played in the yard and finished planting a shit load of bulbs that were so beautiful in the store all packaged up with pretty pictures and became something akin to tiny little hard dog turds I would have rather thrown by the time I had dug the eleventy-seventh 6" hole to put them in. But it was still great...the sun on my back...dirt under my fingernails...(yeah I'm weird like that...what's your point?!!)...the puppies lounging beside me in the sun....peeking at me occasionally for what I was sure to be a memorization of each little hole I dug so they could come back thru the next morning and dig them all up...but so far.....they are all still snuggly-bug in the earth and ready to do their big "Spring Dance" for me next year.
I dragged the old man out to the picnic table in the late afternoon and we sat there sipping beers and enjoying the sunshine....which he claims he special ordered for me just for my birthday....thanks Babe!!! He's real special like that. And we yawned and stretched and talked about doing something of value for the day.....which was great....TALKING about it...but of course you don't have to get things done on a naturally we just sat there and didn't get up unless we were headed in for another round.
I got to laugh at the laundry pile and the dingy hardwood floors I had just mopped the day before....sorry...can't mess with you's my birthday and I am NOT working on a damn thing!!! Guilt free laziness...oh man it was awesome.
I guess we could have gone somewhere and did something....but I didn't want the big shit....I just wanted a down day....and that's what I got...and it was wonderful. I found myself thinking how pissed I would have been about 25 years ago...that nothing happened....that nobody pulled out all the stops for me....that I didn't have anything big to go and do and snap pictures of and remember.....that's just one of the many gifts of old age....we don't give a shit about the hoopla and crap anymore.
So....I get back to the grind today...and there's all the young girls at work...wishing me a happy belated b-day and wanting to know what I got.......What I got? Oh you mean like presents? Well let's see...some of my favorites were.....I got to visit with all three of my kids on Saturday night....wrap my arms around them and stick my nose in their necks and snuggly for a moment. I got to spend some time with my favorite brother who was up this weekend from Arkansas. I got to eat some of my mom's gooseberry pie which is just better than anything else on earth!!! I got some kick-ass morning sex!! I got to spend time outside with Autumn sunshine on my face...which is priceless to me, cause you never know how much longer you are gonna get it. I got to play with puppies and cuddle with an old Shepard gal who loves me muchly. And I got to laugh so hard beer almost came out my nose at something the old man tossed out there. He always says the craziest stuff!! There were a lot more things besides that, but those were some of my favorite birthday gifts. They thought I was nuts, and could not grasp the fact I didn't unwrap anything...well, I guess I opened up a card my mom gave to me for my birthday along with the gooseberry pies at the family gathering Saturday night...does that count?
The best gifts in life don't come from the store or in gift silly little girls. Man I am so glad I have gotten older and can actually enjoy who I am and where I'm at and life in general. I wouldn't trade one laugh line or one gray hair for anything else. If I would have known it was gonna get this good at this age, I'd have gotten here a LOT sooner!!! LOL
Yeah, I'm not 50 yet, but I can spit and hit it from here...and that's just fine with me.....turning 50 will be just fine with me....more grays and wrinkles and flab will be just fine with me. It's good to be at a place where little things reign supreme and the big shit has taken a hike!!! I don't even mind I'm back to the awesome is that.....of course it could just be that old age has demented my mind and I can't remember how crappy my day was....Who cares!!! Brain Farts are a blessing too!!!!! And that's just the dill pickle 'bout that!!!
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