Has anyone else been following this controversy in the news lately? I am trying to keep up, but it frustrates me so bad I end up mumbling to myself in the corner...well today, I'll just mumble at you instead!! Oh LUCKY you!!!
I'm pissed and or agitated for a lot of reasons on this deal....the first and the BIGGIE is all the so called Christians and all their hate. Now I have been a Christian all my life...that is to say, I think Jesus is Lord and Christ and I am a follower of Christ..therefore I call my self a CHRISTian. We have a book of our faith...it's called the Bible, and has CHRISTians, we are to read and learn it and to try to practice what it teaches. It's pretty simple, but very hard....'specially when somebody pisses you off and you'd like to rip their head off and shi....okay, you get the point...but that's another story. So to all the CHRISTians out there making all kind of noise over the same sex marriage proposal....might I just point you to your faith BOOK and tell you that when your Saviour walked the earth, He was once asked what the greatest commandment was. And He, knowing we are mindless little twits carried off by our emotions and whims, tried to make it as simple for us as possible....He told us it was to love God, and to love our neighbor. PERIOD. Not a hard plan to follow, now is it. And who, pray tell, might our neighbor be, you might be asking as this very moment. Well, in it's simplest form, you could say it's someone you live by. I think we'd all agree with that one, right? Well, when you are standing in line at the checkout waiting to get your grocery's bagged, and you have a person in front of you, and a person behind you...and you are all living....I HOPE you are all living....and you are by that person, for that moment of time...wouldn't that be your neighbor for the moment? I happen to think so. And when you run in to pay for your gas at the convenient store, and you are by a few folks in there...and all of you are breathing....therefore 'living', wouldn't they be your neighbor too? I happen to think so. I think we are to be as kind and caring to everyone that comes in contact with us for even the briefest of time, cause if we are living and beside each other, we are neighbors. I really hope some of the fools I work with don't count in this equation, but I'm sure they do!! Damnit!!! SO.....if we are going to call our selves Christians, then I think loving our neighbors ought to be a biggie for us. That would not include carrying hate signs and trying to trash anyone who doesn't think just like you. GET A GRIP PEOPLE!!!! It just makes my ass twitch to watch Fred Phelps and his sick twisted family out on the streets carrying signs that say God Hates Fags....REALLY???? Can you give me chapter and verse on that Fred??? Cause I've been all the way thru the book a few times and I've never read that!!! I have actually read what God does hate...it's in Proverbs and yes, I can give you chapter and verse...is chpt 6 verses 16-19. THESE SIX THINGS THE LORD HATES, INDEED, SEVEN ARE AN ABOMINATION TO HIM; A PROUD LOOK (uhmmm don't look now all you self proclaimed Christians, but if you think you are better in the eyes of God than someone who lives an alternative life style...think again!!!) A LYING TONGUE, HANDS THAT SHED INNOCENT BLOOD (uhmmmm, so all you self proclaimed Christians who were out there bombing abortion clinics and killing the people who worked there...guess what?!!! God is so pissed at you right now!!!) A HEART THAT MANUFACTURES WICKED THOUGHTS AND PLANS, FEET THAT ARE SWIFT IN RUNNING TO EVIL, A FALSE WITNESS WHO BREATHES OUT LIES AND HE WHO SOWS DISCORD AMONG HIS BRETHREN. (UhOh...all you folks out there stirring up a lot of crap over things that don't concern you are in deep shit with the Lord!!) Well, anyways, THAT's what the Lord hates....right there, in black and white.
So this whole righteous conservative movement trying to keep the same sex marriage proposal from passing in the name of "Christianity" are actually breaking more of the rules than anyone else. How sad is that?!! I hate it when people make my God look bad!!! Shut the fuck up and sit down!!! How bout you all read the Bible for yourselves and not go with what Aunt Gladys said thirty years ago!!! How bout you disregard all the crackpots on TV Sunday morning and you try engaging your own brain and seeking some truth all by your own little self???!!! Thanks so much for showing the tender mercy's and love of God on national television. ASSHOLES!!!!
Well, that's what makes my ass twitch the hardest, but I do have to aim at the other side now. I don't know who came up with this catch all phrase...Same Sex Marriage....but I really do, in my humble opinion, think they screwed up. I wonder if they didn't put it together just to cause a sink, cause that's exactly what it did. Christians seem to think they have the monopoly on the word Marriage. Yes, it's found in the Bible, and yes, their are rules for a husband and wife to follow....I doubt the people out there screaming hate over the same sex marriage proposal can't even name half of them, and probably don't follow very many of them, but that's beside the point, they don't have time...they are too busy judging the rest of the nation to follow the rules themselves. The word marriage may or may not have originated with the Jewish nation, or in the bible, but the thing is, most Christians claim it as one of theirs. It's not like it's a new concept that started up only with Christians. I'm sure the Native Americans didn't call it 'marriage' but they formed life long unions and produced children from them. Even some of the animal kingdom do as much. Canadian geese mate for life, and if one of the pair dies, the other generally doesn't survive either. So the concept is far from only Christian, but the word 'marriage' seems to be, at least as far as most folks are concerned. So why on earth would they call it Same Sex Marriage?? Isn't that about the same as shooting yourself in the foot?
Now, Mr Fixit it and I did get married, but in all honesty, we didn't do it for the little piece of paper we got, and that paper sure as hell doesn't hold us together. If I had to describe what we have between us, I'd say it's more of a partnership. He has his strengths and I have mine, and between the two of us, we pretty much have all the bases covered to survive thru this life together as partners. So I'd say we are partners in life. And after partners, I have to say I'd call him my best friend, cause he is about the only fool on earth that actually GETS me, and sticks around full time to boot!!! Even now, I'm gonna say 'husband' still doesn't come up, what comes to mind next is he's my lover. And after that, the next big thing in my head is he's the father figure to my kids, and their friends and pretty much anyone way younger than us that comes around. And about now I'd say oh yeah, he's my husband too. The reason we choose to get married was because we both believed per our faith it was the right thing to do and for credit purposes and for health insurance, cause at that time, mine was way better than his. Now they pretty much both are lame as hell, but that too, is a whole nother story.
So...my point is, why not call it something besides marriage? Lots of people live together and have a committed relationship without getting married....and that's cool with me, I'm not here to judge anybody but myself, I'm just suppose to love them, remember??!!! Why can't they just change the name and broaden it out for everybody??? Call it Committed Union Proposal. Call it Lifetime Partnership Proposal. Call it what it is, or what it is suppose to be. A legal binding union that allows two adults to share jointly in all aspects of taxes, health insurance, legal issues and parenting. And why limit it to same sex? What if two high school friends were now single parents and decided to move into a place together to help make financial ends meet. What if she had great health insurance and a high credit score but a piss poor paycheck, and the he made decent money, but had a shitty credit score and crappy health insurance for him and his kids. Why couldn't they fall into this category too? Or what about two older sisters who shared an apartment and had similar issues? Or maybe just two single parents who weren't receiving any child support between the two of them and struggling to raise their kids and survive? How many more people would benefit from a new law that says if you pay for the fees for a license, you can be legally joined and have all the benefits a married couple is entitled too. If we are gonna make some new laws....I say, let's go big and make it for everyone.
And hey, if you were a same sex couple, and you were madly in love with each other, and you got a "Lifetime Partnership" license, couldn't you still have a beautiful ceremony and legally change your last name and refer to each other how ever you wanted to??? You could even refer to your partner as "the shithead I'm married too" just like I do when Mr Fixit pisses me off!!!!!!! And then go legally blow half their paycheck to make yourself feel better and to teach them a lesson, just like I do!!!!! And then feel guilty about it and put sweet things in their lunch box and spoil them rotten, cause you love them......JUST LIKE I DO!!!!!
Perhaps it's all far more complicated than what I am seeing, and that certainly would not be a first around here, but it just agitates me to the point my ass visibly twitches trying to follow this news story. People calling them selves Christians need to figure out what the hell that actually means and start doing it, (oh please all of you shut up, sit down, pick up a Bible and try ...oh I don't know...reading it instead of using the pages to wipe your asses you lame ignorant fools!!!) and the organizations backing and leading the Same Sex Marriage Proposal need to make some changes....namely the NAME and push it out to encompass a whole lot more folks who could use it. And if everybody would just listen to me and do as I say, this would be a perfect world!! LOL Okay....ya got me there, yes, I'm just as clueless as the next guy....but that's just how I roll people!!! And THAT is the dill pickle bout what's on my clueless little mind tonight.
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